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Delivering business improvement sustainably

Services: Services


Helping you improve your business systems, efficiency and performance and grow your business. 

Services include

Gap analysis of your current systems and processes against the ISO14001 or ISO9001 standard.

Implementation and development of systems to meet the requirements of the standard.

Support with obtaining certification if you decide to get your system certified.

Support with other standards- MCERTS, FEMAS, Soil Association Organic, BRC Global Food Standard


Why implement standards? Business Standards such as the Quality Management System standard ISO9001 and the Environmental Management System standard ISO14001 can be used as tools to develop management systems for your business. Benefits of robust environmental and quality management systems include improved process and resource efficiency, reduced compliance risk and improved competitiveness. Particularly valuable if your business is expanding but also if you are looking to tender for contracts providing competitive edge and can be formalised certified systems or used simply to  develop a management system and make improvements.


Helping you understand the impact your business has on the environment so that you can improve your environmental performance and sustainability.

Environmental Health Check- a first stage review so that you can begin to make a difference. Includes an action plan.

Detailed Environmental Review - to get a detailed understanding of the environmental impacts of your business and can be used prior to developing a management system. Provides a baseline and background information 

Why carry out a review? A review of your business carried out by an external expert and fresh pair of eyes can really help you understand what impacts your business has, where improvements need to be made, where there are risks to your business for example potential for pollution and helps you prioritise actions to move forward. The government is driving improvements in environmental performance with legislation due to come in such as the Environment Bill and the target of Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050. Investors, consumers, customers and enforcers are increasingly interested in and making decisions on the environmental and sustainability performance of organisations.


Helping you move your business forward and reduce impact on the environment. 

Improvement Projects-Supporting your business looking at improvements such as waste reduction, water use reduction and energy efficiency. Reducing costs and improving efficiency. Tailored to your needs.

Specific projects- Projects of your choosing important for your business.

Why? Having an external viewpoint and knowledge can often highlight areas that may not otherwise have been noticed. External knowledge can bring in fresh ideas and solutions, providing that extra resource to concentrate on your core business. Often businesses would really like to make changes to their systems and processes but often dont have the time or expertise. EQS Management Systems can help with this.


Continual improvement of your business and systems to keep moving forward, maintained and compliant

Internal auditing- Fresh pair of eyes to keep your audit schedule on track and your systems and processes continually developing, improving and effective.

Legal compliance checks and legal registers- Checking to make sure your business is aware of and complying with legal requirements, a snap shot in time. Helping to keep your legal register up to date.

Q&A Legal queries- supporting you with specific queries

Why? Ensuring that your company is aware of and complying with legal requirements is essential in reducing risk to your business. The cost of non-compliance- fines, prosecution and damage to reputation can be devastating for a company. Internal audits which fundamental to a management system, need to be kept up to date and effective. By having an external audit resource helps keep your schedule up to date and drives continual improvement of your system. 


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